This page is an unfinished work. Greater detail of the text and written explanations sure would be nice additions. Feedback is welcome at cormacmjones@gmail.com.

Not to be read on a narrow screen!



Ksiastically Contemplated

PART Α: The Word Is Sent into the World (ch. 1–5)

PART Β: The World Comprehends Him Not (ch. 6–10:39)

PART Ξ: The Raising of Lazarus (10:40–12:11)

PART Ο: Last Days with the Disciples (12:12–ch. 17)

PART Ω: Passion and Resurrection (ch. 18–21)

Long-Range Palistrophic

Α.Α. The incarnation of the Word and the beginning of His ministry (ch. 1–2)

          Α.Β. Conversation with Nicodemus (3:1‑21)

                    Α.Χ. John, the friend of the Bridegroom: the divine ability to receive divine things given to men through belief in the Son (3:22–4:4)

                              Α.Ο. The Samaritan woman and healing of the nobleman’s son (4:5‑54)

                                        Α.Ω. Jerusalem: Healing the paralytic; discourses on the general resurrection and testimonies of Jesus (ch. 5)

                                                            Β.Α. Jesus Christ as new exodus (crossing the sea and manna from heaven) (ch. 6)

                                                                      Β.Β. Run-in with the law (ch. 7–8:20)

                                                                                Β.Χ. Identifying divergent paternities: the Abraham dialogue (8:21‑59)

                                                                                          Β.Ο. Healing of the blind man (ch. 9)

                                                                                                    Β.Ω. The Good Shepherd (10:1‑39)

                                                                                                                        Χ. The raising of Lazarus (10:40–12:11)

                                                                                                    Ο.Α. Entry into Jerusalem (12:12‑50)

                                                                                          Ο.Β. Washing the disciples’ feet and Judas’ departure (13:1‑30)

                                                                                Ο.Χ. Parting comforts from One of the Trinity: love and obedience (13:31–14:31a)

                                                                      Ο.Ο. I am the true vine; revelation of the Trinity amidst persecution (14:31b–ch. 16)

                                                            Ο.Ω. Prayer to the Father for glory, knowledge, unity, and love in the world (ch. 17)

                                        Ω.Α. Betrayal of Judas, trial before Annas, and denial of Peter (18:1‑27)

                              Ω.Β. The Jews deliver Jesus to Pilate to be crucified (18:28–19:16a)

                    Ω.Χ. Crucifixion, death, and burial (19:16b‑42)

          Ω.Ο. The Resurrection: day one and on the eighth (20:1‑29)

Ω.Ω. Acts at the sea of Tiberias: the miraculous catch of fish; Peter’s restoration (20:30–ch. 21)


Fivefold Fractal

PART Α: The Word Is Sent into the World (ch. 1–5)

Α. The incarnation of the Word and the beginning of His ministry (ch. 1–2)

α. Prologue — the divine Word made flesh (1:1‑18)

          β. John witnesses to the Lamb of God; Andrew calls Peter (1:19‑42)

                    χ. To Nathanael, who was under the fig tree: ‘Come and see’ (1:43‑51)

          o. Wedding at Cana (the first of signs) (2:1‑12)

ω. Jerusalem: scourging the temple at Passover (2:13‑25)

Β. Conversation with Nicodemus (3:121)

α. Nicodemus comes to Jesus at night, recognizing His divine inspiration (3:1‑2)

          β. To be born again of water and Spirit (3:3‑8)

                    χ. Art thou a master of Israel, and knowest not these things? (3:9‑10)

          o. Belief in the Son of man/Son of God unto everlasting life (3:11‑18)

ω. Evildoers love darkness more than light, but truth-doers come to the light (3:19‑21)

Χ. John, the friend of the Bridegroom:
           the divine ability to receive divine things given to men through belief in the Son (3:22–4:4)

intro: Jesus and John baptizing in Judaea; a dispute with a Jew about purification (3:22‑26)

α. A man can receive nothing, except it be given him from heaven (3:27)

          β. John is not the Christ but is sent before Him and must decrease; He who has the bride is the bridegroom 


                    χ/ξ. He that is from heaven testifies from there; he that is from earth speaks from there (3:31‑32a)

          o. No one receives His testimony, but he who does certifies that God is true; him whom God hath sent has the
              Spirit (3:32b‑34)

ω. The Father loves the Son and gives Him all things; judgment based on belief in the Son (3:35‑36)

extro: Jesus’ disciples (not Jesus) baptize more than John; the Pharisees learn of it and Jesus turns back to Galilee (4:1‑4)

Ο. The Samaritan woman and healing of the nobleman’s son (4:554)

α. Jesus approaches a Samaritan woman for water at Jacob’s well (4:5‑9)

          β. Jesus offers her living water, which she doesn’t understand but requests anyway (4:10‑15)

                    χ. Worship of God in spirit and truth; Jesus reveals her sinful and His messianic identity (4:16‑26)

          o. Through the woman’s witness, the Samaritans believe — a harvest of food for the disciples (4:27‑42)

ω. Healing the nobleman’s son back in Galilee — Except ye see signs and wonders (the second sign) (4:43‑54)

Ω. Jerusalem: Healing the paralytic; discourses on the general resurrection and testimonies of Jesus (ch. 5)

α. A healing angel at the Bethesda pool with five porches, at Jerusalem (5:1‑5)

            β. Jesus heals the paralytic: Rise, take up thy bed, and walk (5:6‑9a)

                        χ. The Jews persecute the sabbath-breaker Whose Father until now is working (5:9b‑18)

            o. Discourse on the general resurrection and the judgment (5:19‑30)

ω. Discourse on the testimonies that Jesus is the Son sent by the Father (5:31‑47)

PART Β: The World Comprehends Him Not (ch. 6–10:39)

Α. Jesus Christ as new exodus (crossing the sea and manna from heaven) 
(ch. 6)

α. A great multitude follows Jesus across the sea of Galilee and up a mountain as passover approaches (6:1‑4)

β. Miraculous multiplication of loaves and fish feed 5,000 (6:5‑14)

χ. Jesus the I AM walks on the sea (the disciples are willing to receive Him) (6:15‑21)

o. ‘I am the bread of life’ (6:22‑63)

α. The people seek Him out in Capernaum (6:22‑25)

β. The true manna from heaven is to believe on Me (6:26‑34)

χ. I am the bread of life (Is not this the son of Joseph?) (6:35‑48)

ο. Except you eat My flesh and drink My blood you have no life in you (those that ate manna are dead) (6:49‑58)

ω. Teaching in Capernaum: interpreting spiritually the divine origin of the Son of Man (the flesh profits nothing; My words are spirit and life) (6:59‑63)

ω. As many disciples turn back, the chosen twelve confess the Christ through Peter, but one is a devil (6:64‑71)

Β. Run-in with the law 
(ch. 7–8:20)

α. Feast of Tabernacles: disagreement with brothers about when to go up (7:1‑13)

β. Teaching in the temple in the midst of the feast (on Moses and sabbath) (7:14‑36)

α. Whence His doctrine? Of Him that sent me, Whose will I do, Whose glory I seek (7:14‑18)

β. Healing a man on the Sabbath does not contradict Moses any more than circumcising; rulers’ inaction 

    interpreted as acceptance of Him as the Christ (7:19‑26)

χ. But when the Christ comes, no one knows whence he is. I am from Him and He has sent me (7:27‑30)

ο. When the Christ comes, will he do more miracles? But the Pharisees send officers to take him (7:31‑32)

ω. Whither does He go that we cannot come? (7:33‑36)

χ/ξ. (End of feast:) The living water saying and people’s mixed reaction (7:37–8:1)

o. (At the temple the day after:) The woman taken in adultery; the law of Moses overcome (8:2‑11)

ω. (In the treasury:) Pharisees refute Jesus’ testimony that He is the Light of the world (8:12‑20)

intro: I am the light of the world (8:12)

α. Even if I testify of myself, my testimony is true (8:13‑14a)

β. I know whence I came and whither I go, but you do not (8:14b)

χ/ξ. Ye judge according to the flesh; even if I judge, My judgment is true because I am not alone but with the Father (8:15‑16)

ο. The testimony of two is true: Myself and the Father (8:17‑18)

ω. Where is My Father? You do not know, but if you had known Me you would have (8:19)

extro: These words taught in the treasury; His hour not yet come (8:20)

Χ. Identifying divergent paternities: the Abraham dialogue (8:2159)

α. Believe not that I am, and ye shall die in your sins (8:21‑29)

          β. Ye Abraham’s seed: Continue in My word, and the truth will set you free from sin (8:30‑37)

                    χ/ξ. If ye were Abraham’s children, ye would do the works of Abraham, not seek to kill the One
                            from the Father Who speaks the truth (8:38‑40)

          o. Ye are of your father the devil and cannot hear My word (8:41‑47)

ω. The immortal word: Before Abraham was, I am (8:48‑59)

Ο. Healing of the blind man (ch. 9)

α. The Light of the world gives sight to a man born blind (9:1‑12)

          β. The blind man is brought to the Pharisees, who are divided over the matter (9:13‑17)

                    χ. The Pharisees turn to his parents for answers, unsuccessfully (9:18‑23)

          o. The Pharisees can only accuse people of sins, but the healed man confesses Jesus is of God (9:24‑34)

ω. Jesus reveals Himself as Son of God to the blind man and gives judgment to the Pharisees (9:35‑41)

Ω. The Good Shepherd 

α. The parable of the shepherd, door, and sheepfold (10:1‑6)

          β. I am the door unto abundant life (10:7‑10)

                    χ. I am the good shepherd, and I lay down my life for the sheep (10:11‑18)

          o. Jews demand Jesus’ identity, but they are not His sheep, to whom is given eternal life (10:19‑30)

ω. A near stoning of the Godman. Believe the works: the Father is in Me and I in Him (10:31‑39)

PART Χ: The Raising of Lazarus (10:40–12:11)

Χ. The Raising of Lazarus (10:40–12:11)

α. Escape to Jordan where news comes of Lazarus’ sickness and death (10:40–11:17)

          β. Outside Bethany Martha meets with Jesus, the Resurrection and the Life (11:18‑31)

                    χ/ξ. Mary meets Jesus; the raising of Lazarus (11:32‑44)

          o. The chief priests resolve that one man should die for the people — but not for that nation only,
               but for all the children of God scattered abroad (11:45‑57)

ω. Supper with Lazarus and sisters; Mary anoints Jesus for burial, annoying Judas (12:1‑11)

PART Ο: Last Days with the Disciples (12:12–ch. 17)

Α. Entry into Jerusalem (12:1250)

α. His entry on an ass received with palms and ‘Hosanna’ to the King of Israel (12:12‑15)

β. The disciples understand not; the miracle of Lazarus the catalyst; the Pharisees are undone (12:16‑19)

χ. Certain Greeks approach; Jesus’ death will bring forth much fruit; the Father’s voice (12:20‑36)

α. Greeks approach the disciples; the hour is come for the Son of man to be glorified (12:20‑23)

β. A corn of wheat must die in the ground to bring forth fruit; hate your life to save it (12:24‑25)

χ. For this cause came I to this hour; the Father vocally glorifies His name (12:26‑29)

ο. Now is the prince cast out; I will be lifted up and will draw all to me (12:30‑33)

ω. Does not Christ abide forever? Walk while you have the light; Jesus hides (12:34‑36)

o. Despite miracles, people do not believe; Isaiah prophesied that no one would understand; some Pharisees believe but are cowardly (12:37‑43)

ω. I am a light unto life everlasting; My words will judge you (12:44‑50)

Β. Washing the disciples’ feet and Judas’ departure (13:130)

α. Nearing His departure to the Father at Passover, Jesus loves His own unto the end (13:1)

          β. The devil has inspired Judas to betray Jesus, Who girds Himself and washes their feet (13:2‑5)

                    χ. Peter’s objection and Jesus’ insistence; ye are clean but not all (13:6‑11)

          o. Be servants like your Master; those receiving you, receive Me; one will lift his heel against Me (13:12‑20)

ω. The betrayer is indicated with a sop to the disciple on Jesus’ breast; Judas sent out at night (13:21‑30)

Χ. Parting comforts from One of the Trinity: love and obedience (13:31–14:31a)

ς. Believe in Me as God; I am the way, the truth, and the life (13:31–14:7)

α. God is glorified in the Son of Man; in parting, a new commandment: love one another (13:31‑35)

β. Peter, you cannot follow Me now; he vows to die but will deny Jesus thrice (13:36‑38)

χ. Let not your heart be troubled; believe in Me as God (14:1)

ο. I am going to prepare a place for you among the mansions of My Father’s house; I will come again (14:2‑3)

ω. To Thomas: I am the way, truth, and life; no one comes to the Father but by Me (14:4‑7)

ζ. If you love Me, obey Me; you shall know the Trinity (14:8‑21)

α. To Philip: I am in the Father and the Father in Me; believe it at least for the works’ sake (14:8‑11)

β. You shall do greater works when I go to the Father; ask in My name (14:12‑14)

χ. If you love me, obey Me (14:15)

ο. At My request, the Father will send another Comforter, the Spirit of truth, Whom the world cannot receive, but ye shall know Him (14:16‑17)

ω. I will come too; obey and love Me, and I will love you and manifest Myself to you (14:18‑21)

η. I leave you with Triune peace, not as the world gives it (14:22‑31a)

α. To Jude: love and obedience engender divine indwelling; the world misses My self‑manifestation because it does not love and obey (14:22‑24a)

β. My word is from the Father, Who will send the Spirit in My name to perfect the same teaching (14:24b‑26)

χ. I leave you with peace, not as the world gives it; let not your heart be troubled (14:27)

ο. You should rejoice that I go to My Father Who is greater than I (14:28)

ω. The prince of the world comes but has nothing in Me; I obey the Father that the world may know that I love Him (14:29‑31a)

Ο. I am the true vine; revelation of the Trinity amidst persecution (14:31b–ch. 16)

intro: Arise, let us go hence (14:31b)

α. I am the true vine; abide in Me, in my commandments, my love (15:1‑16)

          β. If the world hate you, it hated Me before you (15:17‑25)

                    χ. But when the Comforter is come (15:26–16:15)

          o. Jesus perceives their need: ye shall sorrow, then rejoice, as a woman in travail (16:16‑22)

ω. Asking in the name of Him who came forth from God and is come into the world (16:23‑33)

Ω. Prayer to the Father for glory, knowledge, unity, and love in the world (ch. 17)

α. Father, the hour is come; glorify Me as We were before the world, knowledge of which is eternal life (17:1‑5)

          β. Preserve them (not the world) in My imminent absence, that they may be one (17:6‑13)

                    χ. That those not of this world may be in this hateful world and may be sanctified (17:14‑19)

          o. That not these only but all believers may be made one (17:20‑23)

ω. Father, I will that they may be with me where I am; though the world has not known Thee, these know that Thou hast sent Me; may Thy love be in them (17:24‑26)

PART Ω: Passion and Resurrection (ch. 18–21)

Α. Judas’ betrayal, trial before Annas, and Peter’s denial (18:127)

α. Judas with soldiers arrives in the garden; Peter severs Malchus’ ear (18:1‑11)

            β. Jesus arrested and led to Annas (18:12‑14)

                        χ. Peter denies Christ to a damsel (18:15‑18)

            o. Annas interrogates Jesus concerning His disciples and doctrine (18:19‑24)

ω. Peter denies Christ a second time, and a third to a kinsman of Malchus (18:25‑27)

Β. The Jews deliver Jesus to Pilate to be crucified (18:28–19:16a)

α. Without accusation, the Jews deliver Jesus to Pilate to be put to death (18:28‑32)

          β. Pilate interrogates Jesus: Art thou the King of the Jews? (18:33‑38a)

                    χ. Pilate finds no fault and tortures Jesus as a mock king; the Jews request Barabbas and demand crucifixion 


          o. Pilate interrogates Jesus concerning the charge of making Himself the Son of God (19:7‑11)

ω. The Jews coerce Pilate to crucify Jesus by appealing to the power of Caesar (19:12‑16a)

Χ. Crucifixion, death, and burial (19:16b42)

α. The King of the Jews crucified in the midst of two others (19:16b‑22)

          β. The soldiers divide His garments and cast lots for His coat; the evangelist is present, given in adoption to Jesus’
               mother (19:23‑27)

                    χ. Jesus thirsts and is given vinegar before bowing His head and breathing His last (19:28‑30)

          o. His legs not broken, but His pierced side spews blood and water; the evangelist saw it and his testimony is true 


ω. Joseph of Arimathaea and Nicodemus bury Jesus honorably (19:38‑42)

Ο. The Resurrection: day one and on the eighth (ch. 20)

α. On day one of the week, Mary Magdalene finds the tomb empty and fetches Peter and John, assuming that the Lord has been
     taken away (20:1‑3)

          β. John outruns Peter, sees linen; Peter enters first, sees napkin also; John enters and believes (20:4‑9)

                    χ/ξ. Mary mistakes the Lord for the gardener, asks where He has taken Him, is told not to touch until ascension to
                            the Father (20:10‑18)

          o. On the evening of day one, Jesus appears to disciples in locked room, breathes on them the Holy Spirit (20:19‑23)

ω. On the eighth day doubting Thomas touches the wounds of his Lord and God (20:24‑29)

extro: Many signs are not written, but these are that you might believe and have life (20:30‑31)

Ω. Acts at the sea of Tiberias: the miraculous catch of fish; Peter’s restoration (ch. 21)

α. Jesus appeared to Peter and six disciples whom he had led fishing at night, catching nothing (21:1‑3)

          β. In the morning Jesus, unrecognized, has them catch a multitude off the right side (21:4‑6)

                    χ. John perceives the Lord; Peter swims; the others come in a boat dragging a full net (21:7‑8)

          o. Dinner with the immediately recognized Jesus; 153 fish and an unbroken net (21:9‑14)

ω. Jesus humbles Peter, commissions him unto martyrdom, and wills the evangelist tarry till He comes (21:15‑24)


The world itself could not contain the books of the things which Jesus did. Amen.                                                                  



The fractal layers continue more deeply than what I’ve been able to present here so far. Some day I’d love to be able to add the whole text to this page!

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